Oracle Collage Party
It’s Qoya’s Tenth Anniversary and we’re celebrating how Qoya connects us!
Qoya deepens our connections to ourselves, each other, and the wisdom of the ancestors and the beyond. Join Sarah Sadie at Dance Life (after Qoya class, of course) for a collage party. We’ll make our own oracle card(s) to celebrate ten years of dancing Wise, Wild and Free.
Sunday, March 10
Qoya class: 1:30-3 PM
Collage party: 3-5 PM
Dance Life (6725 Seybold Rd, Madison)
If you can’t come to the dance class but still want to party and craft with us please do! Snacks and art supplies provided (this is what happens to all those old oracle decks).
$15 to cover cost of supplies
OR donation of a new oracle deck